Atlasing is a great way to get out and go birding with purpose!
Read more below about what atlasing is and how you can also get involved.
There are many projects out there that aim to collect distribution data for a certain classification of species. In 2007 the second South African Bird Atlas Project was launched and still runs to this day (SABAP2). Atlasing is the process in which people collect this bird distribution data. The atlas project gets the vast majority of its data from citizen scientists (basically birders like you and me who volunteer time and money).
Over time I have learnt a couple things about atlasing:
Enter the niche market of bird atlasing tours!
Through my own experiences and many years of atlasing I can confidently say that not only are atlasing bashes/trips an incredibly useful contribution to bird distribution data, they hone your birding skills, your knowledge and are lots of fun at the same time!
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